1814 October 10 Kinghorn to Messrs. Duncan and Cochrane

Joseph Kinghorn, Norwich, to Messrs. Duncan and Cochrane, 295 Holborn, London, 10 October 1814.



         I rec.d your parcell, though by some accident it was a slow traveller, & perhaps loitered some days on the road, for I found it did not come [with] our direct Waggons.—It arrived however safe.—

         I now owe you Int.t £5.5.— From what I hear of your mode of doing business with others, I hope you will allow me some Discount— Please to call on M.r Button  I have requested him to pay you, leave any general memorandum of the amo.t that he may send me.—And if Robertson’s Heb. Gram.r be come have it directed for me & put the amo.t to my Acc.t & take the money for altogether.—I am 

                                             Gent.m your Hble Ser.t                          

                                                               Jo.s Kinghorn


Norwich Oct 10. 1814

Text: Eng. MS. 379, f. 1152b (originally catalogued as f. 4073), JRULM. Grammatica Linguae Hebraeae:  Cum Nottis et Variis Quaestionibus Philologicis . . . In Usum Juventutis Academicae (Edinburgh, 1758), by James Robertson (1714-95).