1801 June 15 

Fuller to Sutcliff

Andrew Fuller, Kettering, to John Sutcliff, Olney (“By fav.r of Mr Clarke”), 15 June 1801.


Monday Morn.g June 15. 1801


My dr bro.r

         I sent up the Receipts to Burls on Saturday with a direction to him to distribute the P. A. wh I hope  are or will be there to day. Yesterday I rec.d a Letter f.m a Mr Brown now in London, who was at Serampore in Dec.r Past. By him Carey sent a short note just to introduce him to me, and makes mention of hav.g written more largely the day before by the ships. As therefore the Fleet is come in I expect Letters every day. They may require an ans.r in a few days, to go by our Packet. I will do every thing as quick as possible. If a ride over to Olney latter end of the week be necessary I’ll come. Griffin the Bristol student was sent to Plymouth Dock a day before my L.r arrived. Bror Ry.d will be at North.on Friday next—Goes with me to Boston. If a L.r sh.d come in a day or two, could not we meet on Friday at North.n & consult bro.r R. then you’d see him before you go.— I am invited to Norwich by Mark Wilks to Collect for Mis.s Think of being there the first Sab. in July & go thro’ London perhaps between that & the Second

                                                               Affec.y Y.rs    

                                                                                 A. Fuller

P.S. If I hear nothing f.m you nor you from me between now & Friday, let us meet that day by dinner at North-[amp]ton

Text: Eng. MS. 376, f. 716a (originally catalogued as f. 4057), JRULM. Those mentioned above include  William Burls (1763-1837), wealthy London merchant, Baptist layman, and one of the chief financial officers of the BMS for many years; John Ryland, Jr.; Mark Wilks (1748-1819), Baptist minister, Norwich, 1788-1819; and possibly Thomas Clark of Kettering, hairdresser and dealer in hats. Fuller collected £8.6 at Mark Wilks’s congregation and £3.12.6 at Joseph Kinghorn’s in Norwich that summer. See Periodical Accounts, 2: 203.