George Pritchard

George Pritchard (1773-1852) held pastorates in Colchester and at Shouldham Street, London, before removing to the Baptist church at Keppel Street, London, in 1817, becoming at the same time a member of the London Baptist Board. He remained at Keppel Street until 1837. At the time of letter 188, he was residing in Pentonville. He authored biographies of William Newman, Joseph Ivimey, James Smith of Ilford, and John Chin. See W. T. Whitley, The Baptists of London 1612–1928 (London: Kingsgate Press, 1928), 128; Baptist Magazine 33 (1841), 636; Samuel Couling, “A Biographical Dictionary of Baptist Ministers of Great Britain & Ireland Deceased from 1800 to the close of 1875,” MS., Angus Library, Regent’s Park College, Oxford.