John Smith

John Smith was one of John Sutcliff's students at Olney. Smith ministered to the Baptist church at Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire, not far from Tutbury. Smith joined the Olney church on 16 April 1807, coming from the Baptist church at Boston (at that time dissolved). He was dismissed to the church at Burton-on-Trent on 23 February 1809 (see letter 80) and ordained on 20 May 1809. He is probably the same John Smith who ministered to the Baptist church at Ecton, Northamptonshire, from 1827 to 1835 (and possibly longer). See Baptist Magazine 1 (1809), 341; 27 (1835), 549-561; Olney Church Book, 1752–1854. MS., Angus Library, Regent’s Park College, Oxford, ff. 97, 101.