John Horsey

John Horsey (1754-1827) ministered to the Independent Meeting as Castle Hill, Northampton, from 1777 until his death in 1827. He also operated an academy there for many years as well. His ministry was popular at first, but charges of heterodoxy plagued Horsey throughout the late 1780s and into the 1790s, causing a decline in his congregation. Thomas Coleman, however, contended that Horsey remained a pious minister throughout his career, though his position on the nature of Christ remained vague at best in regard to orthodox doctrines. Nevertheless, “Horsey manifested the spirit of devotion, and a humble reliance on Christ as the Saviour of sinners, and would be found ‘looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life.’” See Thomas Coleman, Memorials of the Independent Churches in Northamptonshire (London, 1853), 31-32.