Joshua Rowe

Joshua Rowe (1781-1823), after his baptism by John Saffery in Salisbury in 1800, was accepted by the BMS as a missionary to India. After studying at Bristol Academy, he sailed with Richard Mardon, William Moore, and John Biss and their families on 3 January 1804 for India. He worked as secretary to the Serampore Mission for several years, but never mastered Bengali and was eventually removed to make way for J. C. Marshman. He did learn Hindi and some other languages, however.  Rowe, along with Eustace Carey and others, supported the BMS in its controversy with the Serampore Mission; his son, Joshua, was nevertheless educated at Serampore College and eventually joined the staff there in 1830. See F. A. Cox, History of the Baptist Missionary Society, from 1792 to 1842, 2 vols. (London: T. Ward, and G. and J. Dyer, 1842), 1:137.