MS. Letter by Protestant Dissenters at Pickering to William Wood, Leeds,

12 May 1790

fol.  101.  MS. letter from Yorkshire Dissenters meeting at Pickering, 12 May 1790, to William Wood at Leeds, informing him that several ministers or delegates could not attend the meeting at Leeds on the 19th, but the Rev. James Brownfield would attend for them.  


Pickering   May 12th 1790


We whose names are hereunto subscribed not being able to attend the Meeting of our Dissenting Brethren at Leeds the 13th Inst: have requested our Brother the Rev.d James Brownfield the Bearer hereof to assure them that we wish to be united with them and shall cordially agree in any thing proposed for the general good.

Samuel Bottomley        Scarborough

Richard Leggett            Cottingham

John Bartlett                 Malton

Samuel Lyndall             <    >

Joseph Browning         Helmsley