Meeting of Protestant Dissenters at Newcastle, 

9 June 1789

fol. 16. A printed copy of the resolutions passed at a “Meeting of Protestant Dissenting Ministers, residing in the Counties of Northumberland and Durham, and in the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne, held at Newcastle on Tuesday, June 9, 1789,” signed by Charles Toshach, moderator.

They thank the supporters of the petition and Samuel Heywood, for his pamphlet On the Right of Protestant Dissenters to a Complete Toleration.  They too wish to see committees formed across the country to correspond with the London committee.  They agreed to form a committee, with Rev. Davidson as Chairman, and Trotter, Somerville, Whitfield, Logan, Pendered, Toshach, and Turner as Secretary. On the back is a copy of the Address they sent to the King, congratulating him on his recovery and pledging their loyalty in hopes that he will realize “how false are the Calumnies of those who represent them [the Dissenters] as incapable of giving any such Security.”