John Satchell 

John Satchell (1732-97) joined the Kettering church in 1777 and by the mid-1780s was exercising his gift in preaching. By 1790 he was pastoring a group from Fuller’s church in what became briefly a second Baptist church in Kettering, but the church dissolved in 1795 and the congregation returned to Fuller’s church. Satchell’s son became one of Fuller’s deacons (AG Fuller 1882 55). One work, Thornton Abbey, a Series of Letters on Religious Subjects, which appeared in several editions posthumously (one was edited in two volumes by Fuller), has previously been attributed to Satchell. However, in Fuller’s list of books in his library in 1798, he notes that Satchell also authored an anonymous pamphlet on the followers of John Glas in 1796, though this attribution may be in error (see Appendix A in Michael McMullen and Timothy Whelan, eds., The Diary of Andrew Fuller, Vol. 1 of the Collected Works of Andrew Fuller, gen. ed. Michael Haykin [Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016]). Serious Considerations Addressed to Glassites was never reprinted and has never been attributed to Satchell or any other writer. Much of the pamphlet is based on a letter from a woman living in England addressed to the author (he does not name her but mentions the occasion in the Preface) written in such a manner that he felt its publication would be useful to the Baptist community in Scotland. The Preface is dated March 25, 1796, from Edinburgh, which makes the attribution to Satchell somewhat odd on Fuller’s part, but given his close proximity to Satchell, it seems unlikely he would be in error regarding this pamphlet.