1807 January 12 


Olinthus Gregory from the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, London, to an unidentified bookseller in London, 12 January 1807.


Royal Military Academy

Woolwich. Jan 12. 1807.



         I will thank you to send me as soon as you can conveniently, the following articles, or such of them as you have:


Montucla’s History of Mathematics, 4 vols 4ts.

The 3.d vol. of Prony’s Architecture Hydraulique.

The Connaissance des Terms for 1808, (an. 16)


         I will call at Soho and pay for them, the first time I come to that part of the Town.

        Be so good to inform me, if you have lately imported any new Math.l Works—with their title and price. Let the parcel be directed to me to come by the Woolwich Barrack Coach from the White Swan, Charing Cross—

                                             I am,


                                                               Yours respectfully,

                                                                                 Olinthus Gregory.

Text: Eng. MS 343, f. 3, JRULM. Olinthus Gregory (1774-1841), mathematics professor at the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich and prominent Baptist layman. Titles referenced above include Histoire des Mathematiques, 4 vols. (1798-1802) by Jean Etienne Montucla (1725-99); Nouvelle Architecture Hydraulique, 2 vols. (Paris, 1790-96) by R. Prony (1755-1839); and probably Hydraulique Physique, ou, Connaissance des Phenomenes que Presentent les Fluids (1809), by Joseph Mollet (1756-1829).