John Marsom 

John Marsom (1746-1833) was a General Baptist (Unitarian) bookseller at 187 Holborn Street, London.  Thomas Gurney, the father of Joseph and Martha, married a Martha Marsom in 1730, so the two families mentioned here may have been related.  John Marsom was a frequent preacher among the General Baptists of London, primarily the congregations at White’s Alley and Worship Street. He was also an original subscriber to the Unitarian Fund in 1806.  For more on Marsom, see Second Report of the Committee of the Unitarian Fund.  (London: Stower for Longman, Rees, etc., 1806), 33; and Robert Brook Aspland, Memoir of the Life, Works and Correspondence, of the Rev. Robert Aspland, of Hackney (London: E. T. Whitfield, 1850), 47.