MS. of Meeting of Protestant Dissenters at Wakefield 

26 January 1790

fol. 97 (a).  MS. [in Wood’s hand] of the meeting for West Riding at Wakefield on 26 January 1790, with Revds Ashworth, Turner, Wood, Fawcett, Langdon, and Parsons and a few others present.


The committee thanks Christopher Wyvill for his letter to Samuel Shore and his response.  They appointed Milnes and Wood to meet with Wyvill to discuss his ideas. 


At a meeting of the general Committee of Protestant Dissenters in the West Riding of the County of York held at Wakefield Jan. 28. 1790 . . . .


Resolved unanimously

1.  That the Secretary transmit to the Rev. Mr Wyville the thanks of this Committee for his obliging & liberal letter addressed to Sam. Shore Esq. & which has by that gentleman been communicated to this meeting.


2.  That James Milner Jun. Esq. & the Rev. Mr Wood be appointed to confer with Mr Wyville on the subject of his letter, that Mr Wyville be informed of this appointment & that he be requested to fix a time & place for such conference as shall be most convenient for himself.


3.  That the Treasurer pay the expences incurred by the Dissenting ministers previous to the general meeting, for printing & other contingencies.


4.  That the Rev. Mr Parsons be thanked for his services in attending the meeting of the Midland district at Leicester & that the expence of the said Journey be defrayed from the public fund.


5.  That the Chairman be requested to draw up a declaration addressed to Edward Jeffries Esq. stating that John Pemberton Heywood Esq. the Rev. Mr Groves, & William Hudson Esq. were appointed at a general meeting of the West Riding to act as deputies to the general representative meeting in London, & to desire that they be received in that capacity.. . .