William Wood to 

William Wilberforce 

24/30 April 1789

fol. 8. MS. copy of letter from William Wood, Leeds, to William Wilberforce, with duplicate to Henry Duncombe, 30 April 1789.


No. 2   Copy


        I have the honour to transmit by the post to your worthy colleague Mr Duncombe the address from the dissenting Ministers in the West Riding of the County of York, & am instructed to request you to accompany him to Lord Sidneys in order that it may be presented to his Majesty.  If we are later in this expression of our loyalty than most of our fellow subjects, I flatter myself that you will impute it to its true cause, the distance of the places of our residence from each other, which prevents us from having any meetings, except in the summer season.  On the present happy occasion we have met a month sooner than usual. I have the honour to be &c  

                                                        William Wood


Leeds April 30. 1789


Duplicate mutatis mutandis to Henry Duncombe Esq