Action plan on the social economy

Unione Europea 2021- 2030


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Il tema è articolato e interconnesso si veda la scheda: Approcci economici

Tra cui: Finanza etica e sociale, Sustainable model of business, Social Responsible Investment, Social Impact Bond (Contratti Epc, Development Impact Bonds DIBs, Energy performance contract, Finanza ad impatto sociale, (Social) impact finance), Pay by Results PbR, Pay for Results PfR, Pay for Success PfS, project bond, Saving cost bond Scb, Socially Responsible Investing SRI), Responsabilità sociale di impresa, Social business e social enterprise, Benefit corporation, Infrastrutture sociali, Impatto sociale (Accountability, Bilancio sociale, Corporate Social Responsability CSR, Rendicontazione sociale, Responsabilità Sociale di Impresa RSI, Social Impact Investments, Social Return Of Investment SROI, Valore Sociale Aggiunto), La valutazione dell’impatto sociale (Modelli logici; Cost-effectiveness Analysis CEA; Cost-Benefit Analysis CBA; Metodi sperimentali, quasi-sperimentali, approccio controfattuale; Social Return Of Investment SROI.

In particolare si veda la scheda: Social busines, social enterprise, impresa sociale


Nel dicembre 2021 la Commissione Europea ha adottato lo “Action plan on the social economy”, frutto di un ampio processo di consultazione con cittadini e stakeholder.

Il contesto. L’economia sociale in Europa conta 2,8 milioni di organizzazioni che occupano 13,6 milioni di lavoratori, pari al 6,3% della popolazione in età da lavoro e rappresenta circa 8 % del PIL europeo, mentre in Italia si muovono quasi 380 mila organizzazioni per un valore aggiunto complessivo di oltre 49 miliardi di euro, 1,52 milioni di addetti (che salgono rispettivamente a 51,8 miliardi di euro e a 1,58 milioni includendo anche le controllate dei gruppi cooperativi) e più di 5,5 milioni di volontari. 

Istat, Primo Rapporto sulle cooperative sociali anno 2015, 2019

Lo scopo dichiarato del Piano è “rafforzare l’innovazione sociale, sostenere lo sviluppo dell’economia sociale e aumentare il suo potere di trasformazione sociale ed economica” in un approccio strutturale.

Per il periodo 2021-2030 prevede 38 azioni in tre direzioni:

Il Piano è accompagnato da tre documenti operativi allegati:

“With the action plan, the Commission  put forward concrete measures to help mobilise the full potential of the social economy, building on the results of the 2011 Social Business Initiative and the 2016 Start-up and Scale-up Initiative 2016.

Despite the progress made under the previous initiatives, needs persist in several areas. improving the right framework conditions for the social economy across Europe, including improved visibility and recognition and access to finance and markets are key aspects of the action plan.

The Covid-19 pandemic made the case for a switch to a fair, sustainable and resilient economic model even stronger than before. The aim of the action plan is to enhance social investment, support social economy actors and social enterprises to start-up, scale-up, innovate and create jobs. It will do this through a series of initiatives in the following three areas:

The action plan announces a number of key actions to support social economy, for example:

Access to funding was highlighted as a challenge for social economy organisations in the context of the SBI, and 10 years later it remains a challenge. Improving access to finance is therefore an important area of work under the Social economy action plan.

The publication of the action plan was preceded by extensive dialogue with citizens and stakeholders. In addition, the Commission has been building the evidence-base for the initiative through several studies, such as the Study on the Impact of the SBI and its follow-up actions and mapping exercises. 

The action plan also presents funding opportunities available to support the social economy."



Documenti UE

Action plan on the social economy 2021- 2030

The Social Business Initiative: Promoting Social Investment Funds, 2011

 Social Business Initiative creating a favourable climate for social enterprises, key stakeholders in the social economy and innovation 2011

 Start-up and Scale-up Initiative 2016

Sviluppi recenti dell’economia sociale nell’Unione europea, 2016 

 Study on the Impact of the SBI and its follow-up actions 2021

 Access to finance 2021

 Reports and analysis

 Social enterprises,avenues%20to%20be%20explored%20in%20the%20medium%2Flong%20term.

 European Competence Centre for Social Innovation

Molti altri documenti si trovano nella scheda: Social busines, social enterprise, impresa sociale




 AA., vari articoli: Impresa sociale, tag “Social economy action plan”

Razzetti F., Vesan P., Il Piano d’Azione per l’economia sociale: genesi e sviluppi a livello europeo

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