
Vehicles are easy ways of transportation, especially Starships with function as one of the most used means of transportation across space.


Unless vehicles have an AI inside of them, they don't possess an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. The Dexterity for a vehicle is instead determined by the Driver's Dexterity. Like Constructs, Vehicles have Integrity scores. A vehicle's Strength and Integrity are determined by their size, starting at 0 for Small and increasing by 1 for every size category above Small.

Vehicles have a Fortitude Defense and Reflex Defense of 10, and doesn't possess a Will Defense unless they have an AI inside of them. These are modified by the vehicle's stats. Vehicles have Reflex Defense equal to the Driver's.

    • Hit Points: This is the amount of HP a vehicle has. This is a set amount not modified by Integrity.

    • Size: Vehicle size is similar to character size except for when dealing with Starship Scale.

    • Crew: The amount of people required to drive a vehicle.

    • Passengers: Additional people who aren’t the driver.

    • Cargo Capacity: How much cargo the vehicle can carry. For every 250 lbs. of unused cargo you can add one additional passenger.

    • Initiative: This bonus is added to the driver’s initiative.

    • Drive: This bonus is added to the driver’s drive checks.

    • Speed: This is the fastest the vehicle can move. If a car is moving at its full movement speed for more than 1 round, it gains a +10 dodge bonus to its Reflex Defense.

    • Damage Reduction: This is the amount of DR the vehicle has, the DR being penetrated by Steel. Example, a vehicle's DR listed as 10 would be DR 10/Steel.

Vehicles have 3 types:

    • Land: Vehicles that travel over land.

    • Air: Vehicles that travel through the sky. These vehicles' speed listed is their air speed, their land speed is equal to one fourth of the air speed.

    • Water: Vehicles that travel through the water. These vehicles cannot travel on land.

All of these vehicles can engage in an "All-Out Movement" which functions as a Run action that players can take (moving at 4x the listed speed). Due to the momentum of the vehicle moving, they move half their modified movement in a straight line on their next turn as a free action.

Vehicle Weapons

All of these are included with the vehicle listed in the title. Proficiency in Rifles or Shotguns allows one to use the BMP-2 30mm, and the tank cannons take Weapon Proficiency in siege weapons to use.

Other vehicles can be mounted with weapons, though this costs +50% of the weapon's cost to do this. Only Rifles, the M72A2 LAW, the Plasma Cannon, and Ballista can be mounted on vehicles. Vehicles that already possess the above vehicle weapons (BMP-2, M1A2 Abrams, and M2A2 Bradley) can have weapons mounted onto them. Below is how many weapons a vehicle can have on them, and any restrictions by size.

Despite not being seige weapons initially, when mounted on a vehicle either weapon proficiency in that specific weapon or siege weapons apply to that weapon. (Example, Weapon Proficiency (Rifles) or (Siege Weapons) would apply to a mounted rifle).

    • Medium: 1 Medium Rifle, no M7A2 LAW, Plasma Cannon, or Ballista

    • Large: 2 Medium or 1 Large Rifle, no M7A2 LAW, Plasma Cannon, or Ballista

    • Huge: 4 Medium or 2 Large or 1 Huge Rifle, 1 M7A2 LAW, 1 Plasma Cannon, or 1 Ballista

    • Gargantuan: 8 Medium or 4 Large or 2 Huge or 1 Gargantuan Rifle, 2 M7A2 LAW, 2 Plasma Cannon, or 2 Ballista

Vehicle Slots

Different types of vehicles have different slots for advancements. Vehicles with a 0 in the amount of slots for a specific area are unable to gain advancements in that area. For most vehicles, the interior and hull have the most advancements available.

    • Medium Vehicle: 1 Hull, 0 Crew, 0 Interior, 1 Engines, 1 Wheels/Tracks (Land vehicles only), 1 Wings/Blades (Air vehicles only)

    • Large Vehicle: 3 Hull, 2 Crew, 2 Interior, 2 Engines, 2 Wheels/Tracks (Land vehicles only), 2 Wings/Blades (Air vehicles only)

    • Huge Vehicle: 4 Hull, 3 Crew, 4 Interior, 3 Engines, 4 Wheels/Tracks (Land vehicles only), 4 Wings/Blades (Air vehicles only)

    • Gargantuan Vehicle: 6 Hull, 5 Crew, 6 Interior, 5 Engines, 4 Wheels/Tracks (Land vehicles only), 4 Wings/Blades (Air vehicles only)

Vehicle Advancements

The following are advancements which can be purchased and upgraded. These include weapon systems, improved engine systems, targeting arrays, and various other attachments.

    • Tiers: How many times the same advancement can be bought. The description of the advancement what each extra tier does if there's more than just one.

    • PpT: Price per tier. This is how much the advancement costs per tier you buy. If a price is listed as such: 1,500 G (+50%) this means that for each tier beyond the first. So a 2nd Tier would cost 2,250 and so on.

    • Location: Where the advancement is placed.

    • Description: Describes the fine details of the advancement.

Improved Engines

Tiers: I through V

PpT: 2,000 G

Location: Engines

Description: This advancement improves the horsepower of an engine, allowing for the vehicle to move faster than normal and control smoother. For each tier, this advancement increases the vehicle's move speed by +2 squares.

Sturdy Engines

Tiers: I through V

PpT: 4,000 G (+50%)

Location: Engines

Description: This advancement makes the vehicle run smoother and allows it to go through harsher environments without worry. For each tier, this advancement grants the vehicle a +5 bonus to its Damage Threshold and +2 bonus to its Fortitude Defense.

Sturdy Hull

Tiers: I through VI

PpT: 2,000 G

Location: Hull

Description: This advancement increases the durability of the hull's armor, making it more resistant to damage. This grants the ship an Armor Bonus to Reflex Defense equal to +1 per tier, and from Tier IV through VI the bonus is instead by +2 per tier.

Stealthy Hull

Tiers: I through III

PpT: 5,000 G

Location: Hull

Description: This advancement puts a stealth field around the hull that allows it to be cloaked in certain environments. This grants the ship a +5 bonus to Stealth per Tier, and takes no size penalty to Stealth while Stealthy Hull is utilized.

Increased Passenger Capacity

Tiers: I through V

PpT: 2,500 G

Location: Crew

Description: This advancement allows for more crew to fit within a vehicle. For each Tier, this increases the amount of passengers a vehicle can hold by 2 per Tier.

Decreased Crew Capacity

Tiers: I through II

PpT: 2,500 G

Location: Crew

Description: This advancement reduces the amount of people which need to be installed as crew on a vehicle by 1 per Tier, replacing the crew with automated systems which instead function as that role.

Comfort Interior

Tiers: I through VI

PpT: 1,500 G (+50%)

Location: Interior

Description: This advancement gives the crew and passengers inside a comfortable space to stay. The crew and passengers of the vehicle receive a +2 competence bonus to checks made involving the vehicle (such as driving/piloting, firing weapons, or trying to fix the vehicle).

Computerized Interior

Tiers: I through II

PpT: 2,000 G (+100%)

Location: Interior

Description: This advancement gives the interior more high-tech gear and gizmos to use. Artisan (Mechanics) and Use Computers checks while in the vehicle receive a +5 bonus per Tier.

Sturdy Wheels

Tiers: I through IV

PpT: 2,000 G

Location: Wheels/Tracks

Description: This advancement gives the wheels of the vehicle DR 5/Steel per Tier. By Tier IV, this increases to DR 20/Adamantine. In addition to tis at Tier III the wheels ignore difficult terrain.

Conversion Wheels

Tiers: I through III

PpT: 2,000 G

Location: Wheels/Tracks

Description: This advancement gives the vehicle an extra set of wheels it can automatically switch out if any of the wheels are blown out. For each Tier, it grants 1 set of back-up wheels (a set equals to the amount of wheels the vehicle has).

Hyper Blades/Wings

Tiers: I through IV

PpT: 3,000 G (+50%)

Location: Wings/Blades

Description: This advancement increases the velocity of the blades for helicopters or increases the effectiveness of wings for planes. This increases the vehicle's movement speed by 4 squares per Tier.


Starships are used to travel through space, and explore the vast unknown. Starships are massive and one square in starship scale typically equals 500 feet (about 150 meters) for the sake of scale. In starship scale, the grid for combat doesn't represent absolute movement and several starships in orbit might be drifting together at many kilometers per second as they move around one another.

Starships work on a much larger scale than character scale with an Escape Pod (Fine size) equal to Large in character scale. Because of this, player characters in starship scale are seen as negligible.

    • Character scale weapons deal 1/4 damage to Starships of Tiny size or larger before applying DR.

    • Starships have starting HP equal to 500 + 100 for every 1 Integrity they have, and +50 HP for every size they are above Small.

    • All Starships have AI though most base-AI aren't fantastic, and is more often than not upgraded for better AI or astromech droids.

    • Starships have DR/-, however in addition this DR is applied against laser weaponry (which deals fire damage).

* The "Titanic" size is reserved for space stations, planetary objects, and moons. Character scale weapons deal no damage to these celestial bodies, and Starship scale weapons deal 1/4 damage before applying DR.

Rather than having a set list of types of starships sorted by size, due to their flexibility a list of starship types are listed below and different advancements are added to them to set them apart.

* Each starship above Small size includes an escape pod in its cost, and thus the cost for an escape pod is negligible.

Starship Slots

Different types of vehicles have different slots for advancements. Starships with a 0 in the amount of slots for a specific area are unable to gain advancements in that area. For most starships, the interior and hull have the most advancements available.

  • Escape Pod/Fine Ship: 0 Weapons, 0 Shields, 2 Hull, 1 Crew, 1 Systems, 1 Interior, 1 Engines

  • Diminutive Ship: 0 Weapons, 1 Shields, 4 Hull, 2 Crew, 2 Systems, 4 Interior, 2 Engines

  • Tiny Ship: 2 Weapons, 3 Shields, 8 Hull, 4 Crew, 3 Systems, 8 Interior, 4 Engines

  • Small Ship: 4 Weapons, 4 Shields, 12 Hull, 6 Crew, 5 Systems, 12 Interior, 6 Engines

  • Medium Ship: 6 Weapons, 6 Shields, 18 Hull, 8 Crew, 8 Systems, 18 Interior, 8 Engines

  • Large Ship: 8 Weapons, 7 Shields, 20 Hull, 10 Crew, 9 Systems, 20 Interior, 10 Engines

  • Huge Ship: 12 Weapons, 10 Shields, 25 Hull, 14 Crew, 12 Systems, 25 Interior, 12 Engines

  • Gargantuan Ship: 15 Weapons, 13 Shields, 28 Hull, 18 Crew, 14 Systems, 28 Interior, 15 Engines

  • Colossal Ship: 18 Weapons, 18 Shields, 32 Hull, 22 Crew, 18 Systems, 32 Interior, 18 Engines

Starship Advancements

Starships usually aren't bought at stock and flown as is, and are instead advanced beyond their normal capabilities. The following are advancements which can be purchased and upgraded. These include weapon systems, improved engine systems, targeting arrays, and various other attachments.

    • Tiers: How many times the same advancement can be bought. The description of the advancement what each extra tier does if there's more than just one.

    • PpT: Price per tier. This is how much the advancement costs per tier you buy. If a price is listed as such: 1,500 G (+50%) this means that for each tier beyond the first. So a 2nd Tier would cost 2,250 and so on.

    • Location: Where the advancement is placed. If the location listed has a number beside it such as: Engines x2 it means that it takes up 2 slots in your engines rather than just 1. In addition, it may be listed in the advancement description that at a certain tier it takes up multiple slots.

    • Description: Describes the fine details of the advancement.

Improved Engines

Tiers: I through VII

PpT: 2,000 G

Location: Engines

Description: This advancement improves the thrusters within an engine, allowing for the starship to move faster than normal and control smoother. For each tier, this advancement increases the starship's move speed by +2 squares.


Sometimes using your vehicle as a weapon is absolutely necessary, especially if it means running over your enemy or crashing into their ship in a bout of chicken. Ramming is simple, and merely has damage associated with the size of the vehicle.

If a starship scale vehicle is ramming a character scale character or vehicle, double the damage.

Vehicles below Medium size only exist in Starship scale due to the difference in size between Starship and Character scale. These vehicles are in italics.

Ramming deals damage to both vehicles, and deals half damage to all occupants within the vehicle (unless in Starship scale, in which only 1/8 damage is dealt to occupants unless the ramming vehicle is 2 size categories larger, in which case the ones in the smaller ship take full damage instead of 1/2 or 1/8).