
Kobolds (sometimes referred to as 'Dragon Runts', though this is seen as a slur) are minor draconic beings who are not only fast on their feet, but have tough scales.

Physical Description: The scales adorning a Kobold match the varied colors of dragons, a Kobold with red scales being associated with a Fire Dragon, and so on. They tend to have yellow reptilian eyes, and long yet thin tails.

Most Common Alignment: Kobolds tend to follow in the footsteps of dragons, worshiping them all the while. Thus, their alignment is normally within one step of the dragon they're associated with.

Most Common Class: Kobolds do well as Rogues, or even more exotic classes like Monks or Prototypes.

Most Common Deity: Despite them not being true deities most of the time, Kobolds view dragons as their deities.

Species Abilities

Stats: +2 to Dexterity

Size: Small

Speed: 4 squares

Swift Footwork: Kobolds receive a +1 Dodge bonus to Reflex Defense.

Draconic Scales: Kobolds receive a +1 Natural Armor bonus to Reflex Defense, and a +1 Natural Hardiness to Fortitude Defense.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Draconic

(Image by monpuasajr)