St. Nicholas

Name/Title: St. Nicholas "Santa Claus"

Alignment: Holy Neutrality

Portfolio: Gifts, Christmas, Winter

Holy Symbol: A bright Christmas tree

Favored Animal: Reindeer

Favored Color: Red

Favored Weapon: Whip

Emissaries: St. Nicholas (also known as Santa Claus with kids) was a man in the past who was canonized as a saint. Despite this, the legends of him as Santa Claus spread and thus created the eponymous being that resembles the legend itself. Santa Claus as the legend is a different being from the man (St. Nicholas) which the legend was based off of, however.

Personality: Warm and friendly, St. Nicholas wishes the best for those who are kind and caring individuals. He has a soft spot for children and making them happy, employing "Elves" (which are the colloquial term for the Gnomes in his land) to make toys for the children of the Multiverse. Due to his horizons expanding since the Rift, he has employed more than just Elves recently to help do his job.

Code of Conduct: Priests of St. Nicholas must give gifts to their friends on Christmas at the very least. In addition, they must avoid being put on "the Naughty List", this entails being incredibly rude or cruel to those who don't deserve it or indiscriminate killing.

Uniform: Priests of St. Nicholas must wear a combination of any red or white clothing.

(A common depiction of St. Nicholas)

(Image by Aeonoel)