Druid Talents

The following talents are available to the Druid class.

Bear's Endurance

You are tough like a bear, and can withstand attacks.

EXP Cost: 3 EXP

Benefit(s): You gain a Natural Armor bonus to your Reflex Defense equal to half your casting stat. This changes to a bonus equal to your full casting stat when transformed.

Bestial Bulk

Your size increases when you transform into your animalistic form.

EXP Cost: 5 EXP

Benefit(s): When transforming for your druidic transformation (gaining your natural attacks) you increase your size by one category and make adjustments as needed.

Extending Strike

By taking advantage of your animalistic transformation, you stretch one of your attacks further than normal.

EXP Cost: 3 EXP

Benefit(s): Choose one of your natural attacks you gain through your druidic transformation. This natural attack gains +1 to the reach.

Fey Blooded

The blood of the fey runs strong within you, and influences your magic.

EXP Cost: 4 EXP

Benefit(s): When casting Nature spells, once per encounter you can reroll an attack roll and take the better result.

Hardened Immune System

Through your communing with nature, you're able to withstand attacks to your immune system better.

EXP Cost: 5 EXP

Benefit(s): Once per encounter you can negate an attack made to your Fortitude Defense.

Herbal Remedy

You are able to prepare remedies which cure your allies from various ailments.

EXP Cost: 4 EXP

Benefit(s): By using Artisan (Herbalism) you can create a remedy for various ailments. An Artisan (Herbalism) test is made when making the remedy and on a success the person drinking the remedy is instantly cured. DCs for curing are below. These remedies can be prepared beforehand, with a limit of remedies prepared beforehand equal to your casting stat. Failed checks are counted as wasted attempts, and count against your total daily allotment

These remedies can also be made to counteract poisons and diseases, with the check instead going against a DC equal to 10 + the poison/disease's attack vs. Fortitude Defense.

Infused Armor

You strengthen naturally made armor which you wear.

EXP Cost: 4 EXP

Benefit(s): If you wear a set of wood armor, you decrease the Armor Penalty by 4 and increase the Dexterity to Reflex Defense by 3. If you wear a set of bone armor, you increase the armor bonus by 3. If you wear a set of leather armor, you increase the armor bonus by 4. In addition to this, the armor cannot be destroyed so long as you're wearing it.

Natural Cybernetics

Cybernetics you gain fuse with nature, and become a part of you even further.

EXP Cost: 5 EXP

Benefit(s): If you gain two prosthetic arms, you gain a +2 bonus to Strength. If you gain two prosthetic legs, you gain a +2 square bonus to your land speed. This is due to your flesh fusing with the new attachments being adopted onto the body. On the downside for this however, the prosthesis must be inorganic, and the penalties gained from the prosthesis are doubled (-2 per limb, however this penalty is only applied to the arms or legs being replaced).

Instead of your natural attacks relying on your now replaced arms, you sprout new ones in order to use them (if they are claws, tentacles, or attacks which require a limb that's been replaced). While sprouted only one set of arms can be active at one time (if you're using your new arms to make natural attacks, only they are in use. The prosthetic arms are inert and vice versa.) The newly grown arms slide back into the body after use.

Night Vision

You have eyes like some animals, allowing you to see in the dark.

EXP Cost: 2 EXP

Benefit(s): You gain darkvision with a range of 6 squares if you didn't already have it. If you already have darkvision from your species your natural darkvision increases by +6 squares.

Rending Attacks

You're able to dish out more damage with multiples of the same natural attack.

EXP Cost: 4 EXP

Benefit(s): If you have more than one of the same natural attack (example: two claws) and you successfully hit with both attacks, you deal an additional +2d6 points of damage after resolving the damage. This can only be triggered once per round.

Sap Life

You can heal damage by making particularly damaging attacks.

EXP Cost: 4 EXP

Benefit(s): Upon dealing damage to an opponent you can make an additional attack against their Fortitude Defense using your weapon's bonuses. On a successful hit, you heal a number of HP equal to half of the damage you just dealt. This can only be used once per round.

Sight Through Touch

By detecting movements in the ground, you're able to 'see' without your eyes.

EXP Cost: 6 EXP

Benefit(s): By using vibrations in the ground, you are able to 'see' your surroundings and thus allowing you to function without your eyes when detecting nearby creatures and movements of the world around you.

Strength of the Wild

You draw unnatural strength derived from nature itself.

EXP Cost: 4 EXP

Benefit(s): While in a forest, desert, plain, or swamp environment you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to all of your Defenses, and a +2 circumstance bonus to attack and damage with your natural weapons.

Vegetative Rejuvenation

You spawn plants life and other vegetation to grow and flourish.

EXP Cost: 2 EXP

Benefit(s): As a swift action, you can cause plant life to grow in a 6 square radius around you. This plant life doesn't hinder movement or otherwise affect enemies on its own however it can be used for spells.

Wild Step

You can travel without much trouble through natural environments.

EXP Cost: 4 EXP

Benefit(s): You are unaffected by difficult terrain imposed by natural environments, and always take half damage on successful attacks from natural hazards. Failed attacks deal no damage. In addition to this, you don't leave tracks and can't be tracked in natural environments unless you wish to be.