

Scene Complexity: 2 Deception checks or 2 Persuasion checks

Deception: A DC 25 Deception check can be used to trick the prisoner into revealing the information or by making them slip up and reveal it unintentionally. Two tests are needed for a success of the Skill Scene.

Persuasion: A DC 25 Persuasion check can be used to coax the prisoner sincerely or through threats and intimidation.

Scene Notes: When using Persuasion as a means to intimidate the enemy, you can deal HP damage or knock them down the condition track to grant you a +5 bonus to this check.

Success Results: You learn the information you seek.

Failure Results: Either the will of the opponent proves too strong and no information will be gathered, or the interrogation was too intense (if force and/or harm was used) and the prisoner was incapacitated.