
Half Bull and Half Human, these these beast men descended from the original named Minos. They use their overpowering strength to fend off enemies who would threaten their orichalcum treasure.

Physical Description: Standing tall and proud, the Minotaur have the head of a bull and the body of a human. The horns atop their head are adorned with jewelry and medallions made of orichalcum.

Most Common Alignment: Despite their brutal and seemingly savage nature, Minotaur have a sense of honor and tend to be Orderly Neutral.

Most Common Class: Minotaur prefer the path which leads them to dealing the most damage and hurting their opponents the most. Soldier is an obvious choice, however some more exotic choices Minotaur tend towards include Hamon Adepts and Prototypes.

Most Common Deity: Not wishing to trust deities due to the story of Minos, Minotaurs tend to be atheist instead.

Species Abilities

Stats: +2 to Strength

Size: Large

Speed: 4 squares

Immense Bulk: Minotaurs can add either their Strength or their Constitution to Fortitude Defense, whichever is higher.

Powerful Swing: Once per day a Minotaur can treat their damage dice on a weapon as if they had rolled maximum.

Languages: Native Language and Rugo