
Insectoid-like beings who have strangely jointed limbs who live in bizarre metal towers and unexplained tunnels.

Physical Description: Yaddithians are insectoid in appearance with light teal skin and a strange grayish carapace that looks like armor (though doesn't truly function as it).

Most Common Alignment: Though they like the occult and strange technology, Yaddithians aren't truly evil or good by nature and thus they are typically True Neutral.

Most Common Class: Yaddithians do well as Soldiers, or even Prototypes and Technomancers.

Most Common Deity: Yaddithians tend to worship Old Gods if they worship any deity.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Dexterity and Constitution

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Multi-Jointed: Yaddithians receive a +4 bonus to Reflex Defense against all combat maneuvers (trip, grapple, etc.)

Clawed Hands: Yaddithians receive two claw attacks that deal damage appropriate for their size.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Yaddithian

(Image by Michael Bukowski)