
Rodians come from the Tyrius star system where their dangerous home-world resides. This home-world bred Rodians into the naturally violent hunters they are today. They also possess a musk that can disgust other species.

Physical Description: Rodians are as tall as humans with multifaceted eyes, a tapered snout, and deep green skin (though some Rodians have non-green skin colors and are renown because of this).

Most Common Alignment: The naturally violent nature of the Rodians makes them become bounty hunters, and gives them a lack of empathy. They are commonly of Disorderly alignments, and tend not to be of the Holy alignments.

Most Common Class: Rodians tend to find themselves fitting in with Soldiers or Rogues.

Most Common Deity: Rodians tend not to be religious.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Dexterity and Constitution

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Heightened Awareness: Rodians can reroll Awareness checks, but must take the second result even if it's worse.

Hunter's Instinct: Once per encounter designate a foe and gain a +1 bonus to hit and damage against that foe.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Rodese

(Image from Star Wars)