
The descendants of Duros who evolved differently from their ancestors, becoming master diplomats and becoming bureaucrats as opposed to explorers of the great outer space and beyond.

Physical Description: Neimoidians have lanky arms and legs, however they tend to wear long and elaborate expensive clothing to cover their slight build. They look similar to Duros with hairless green skin, red pupil-less eyes, and wide lipless mouths.

Most Common Alignment: Greedy, slimy, and cowardly they hate manual labor and see this work as beneath them, wishing for underlings or droids to do the work for them. They are often of the Unholy Order alignment.

Most Common Class: Neimoidians prefer classes which take advantage of diplomacy and deception, such as Rogues or even Mages. They rarely pick up weapons to fight in martial combat, however firearms are perfectly fine.

Most Common Deity: Though they may worship deities of nobility or bureaucracy, Neimoidians aren't particularly religious.

Species Abilities

Stats: +2 to Charisma

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Expert Negotiator: You can roll twice on Persuasion checks, taking the better result.

Expert Deceiver: You can roll twice on Deception checks, taking the better result.

Languages: Native Language and Neimoidian

(Image by Star Wars NEGAS)