Blend Creatures

You blend two souls together for a faithful servant.

EXP Cost: 5 EXP

Benefit(s): By spending a full minute of time you can try to blend a called creature with a real creature. This real creature must be of the animal, magical beasts, or plant breeds and while the blending process is being handled the called creature remains active despite the spell duration (however ending the blending process dismisses the called being).

On a successful Spellcraft check (DC 10 + your casting stat + the intensity of the real creature) you bind the souls of the two creatures perfectly. The real creature believes it is this called creature and acts just like them in addition to being completely under your command. In addition to this, they receive a +2 bonus to attack and damage while still alive. Due to their soul rapidly deteriorating now from the blending, this creature will only stay alive for the next 24 hours. After of which it melts into a puddle of its former self, its soul lost.