
These vampires have foregone feeding and become bestial monsters who act as vampires do but without a vampire's sanity.


Intensity: 1.1 (Powerful Human)

Unholy Disorder; Medium; Undead (Vampire)


Fortitude Defense: 23 ; Reflex Defense: 20 ; Will Defense: 4

HP: 84 (40 + 4 (Inte) + 5d8 + 20) ; Damage Threshold: 23

DR: DR 10/Silver


Speed 6 sq., 6 sq. (Fly)

Melee Bite +8 (1d6+5 and Sire Spawn)

Space 1 sq. ; Reach 1 sq.


STR 5, Dex 5, Inte 2, Int -6, Wis -6, Cha 4

Attack Bonus +3 ; Casting Stat: Charisma ; MP: 18

Feats Spellcasting (Arcane and Divine), Fabulous Mind, Resilient Body, Dodge V, Combat Reflexes

Skills Deception +9, Persuasion +9; Racial Modifiers +4 Deception and Persuasion

Language Necril

Special Sire Spawn, Dominating Presence

Sire Spawn (Su)

Just like a Vampire, the Nosferatu's bite possesses the Blood Drain ability. In addition, enemies slain by their bite are raised as a vampire 1d4+1 days later. Vampires are immune to this aspect (but are still affected by Blood Drain). In addition to this - Vampires, Plants, and Oozes are immune to this. Those raised as a vampire by the Nosferatu are loyal to whatever they say, and only effects which break mind control can stop this.

Dominating Presence (Ex)

All enemies within 6 squares of the Nosferatu take a -2 penalty to their Will Defense. In addition, the Nosferatu receives a +5 circumstance bonus on all Persuasion checks made to Intimidate.


Arcane Illusory, Laughing Fits, Blood Splinter, Repel Beasts

Divine Necrotic Touch (Mk. III)

Miscellaneous Information

Environment any

Organization solitary or clan (2 nosferatu + 1d8+1 vampires)

Universe any

Treasure Dead Man's Blood

Dead Man's Blood: Nosferatu blood is notoriously browned, clotted, and old. The older the blood is, the more valuable and the more potent it is. Nosferatu have 1d4 jars of this thick and congealed blood within them, and upon drinking a jar of this blood a user gains a +1 to their Charisma. However in doing this they have the chance of taking a -1 to their Constitution if a successful +8 attack against their Fortitude Defense is made. One jar of Dead Man's Blood can be drank per day, however for each drink beyond the first the attack is increased by +2 and the penalty by 1. Upon reaching a -10 in Constitution, the drinker dies. People can become addicted to this substance, using the same addiction rules as drugs.