
Anthropods with armored exoskeletons, Acklay are the source of many big game hunter's nightmares.


Intensity: 1.8 (Powerful Human)

True Neutral; Huge; Vermin (Crustacean)


Fortitude Defense: 25 (+4 Natural Hardiness) ; Reflex Defense: 21 (+12 Natural Armor) ; Will Defense: 10

HP: 200 (50 + 18 (Con) + 6d8 + 108) ; Damage Threshold: 35 (25 + 10 (Size) )

Misc: Immune to poison, corrosive and toxic atmospheres


Speed 8 sq.

Melee Bite +14 (2d6+16), 2 Claws +9 (1d8+8)

Space 3x3 sq. ; Reach 3 sq.


STR 8, Dex -1, Con 9, Int -, Wis 0, Cha 0

Attack Bonus +8 ; Casting Stat: None

Feats None

Skills None

Language None

Special Double Slice, Hungered Bite

Double Slice (Ex)

If both of an Acklay's claw attacks hit, they deal an additional 4d6 points of damage.

Hungered Bite (Ex)

The Acklay's bite is considered brutish.

Miscellaneous Information

Environment any

Organization solitary, pair, or gang (1d12+2)

Universe any

Treasure none