Energy Sap

Black and red energy creeps around the target, sapping away its life or spiritual energy.

Spell Type: Arcane {Corruption, Necromantic}

EXP Cost: 8

Casting Time: Standard

Target: Adjacent enemy

Goes Against: Will Defense

Description: By corrupting the energy in a single being you transfer the corrupted essence into yourself and recover some life. On a successful attack against the target's Will Defense, you deal 4d4 points of corruption damage and heal that amount in HP. If this goes over your maximum HP, the leftover HP is converted into temporary HP. Alternatively this can be used to sap the energy from a spellcaster's MP, taking an amount of their MP away equal to your casting stat and recovering that amount.

By spending 2 EXP to advance the spell, the amount of damage dice rolled is increased by 2d4 to a maximum of 16d4.