Elder Thing

These strange beings have come to Earth before humans roamed its soil, yet were driven out. They have, in the past, wage war with such species such as the Mi-Go.

Physical Description: Though the size of a regular human, Elder Things are anything but with their star-shaped heads arranged radially and their barrel shaped bodies. They have smaller tendrils which are used to guide them on land, and branch-like arms they use to manipulate objects.

Most Common Alignment: Elder Things are curious beings who like to learn about nature, occultism, technology, and other species. Though their forms frighten most humanoids, they aren't truly evil by nature - though they prefer to settle planets devoid of life to avoid warring with other species for control of the planet. Elder Thing are Orderly Neutral more often than not.

Most Common Class: Due to their fascination with magic and technology, Elder Things do well as Mages, Priests, or even more exotic classes like Alchemists.

Most Common Deity: Elder Things who worship deities sometimes worship Outer Gods such as Yig or Nyarlethotep.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Constitution and Charisma

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares (4 square fly speed, 8 square swim speed)

Hardened Body: Elder Things receive a +1 bonus to Fortitude Defense and Reflex Defense. Elder Thing are also able to breathe in water.

Starflight: In starship scale, Elder Things have a move speed of 1 square (or 2 if they double move). In addition to this, they can survive in the vacuum of space comfortably.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Elder Thing

(Image by Michael Bukowski)