
A character’s species determines their natural capabilities, and what types of classes they may be well suited for (though this doesn’t mean the species can go against their naturally inclined class).

All species in this list are considered to be of the humanoid type with their subtype being their name (example: Humanoid (Human)). This doesn't apply if it is stated otherwise that they are another type (example: Vampire are of the Undead (Vampire) species).

When a species lists "Native Language", they are to choose a single Human Language as their 'Native Language'. Old/Extinct Languages can be used as a native language if the GM allows it.

Each species is structured in such a way: they either have +1 in two stats, or +2 in one stat, are Tiny, Small, Medium, or Large, have speeds ranging between 4 and 8 squares, two abilities, the potential to have Darkvision, and their list of languages.

Species that are considered half-breeds (Abominations, Angelkin, Demonkin, Dragonkin, and species with "Half"), they are still considered Humanoid however they have two subtypes - the initial species and a different humanoid species. For example: Humanoid (Angelkin, Elf) or even Humanoid (Angelkin, Demonkin).

Unless specifically stated, the bonuses a species grants are counted as a "Species Bonus".

Species List

Age Categories

Each race has three age categories (unless they are classified as immortal). Though most characters are assumed to be of the Adult age, Young and Old characters show up in stories in the Multiverse.

Playing Young Characters

Characters classified as "Young" receive a +2 bonus to their Dexterity and a -2 penalty to Strength. Their size is reduced by one category (minimum of Tiny sized), however their speed remains unchanged.

Playing Old Characters

Characters classified as "Old" receive a +1 bonus to their Intelligence and Wisdom and a -2 penalty to Constitution. Their size is remains unchanged, however they receive a -1 penalty to their movement speeds (minimum of 1).

Ageless/Immortal Species

Species with a — are considered ageless and are thus immortal. Immortality is different depending on the species - Androids are ageless due to being constructed for example. Some species like Vampires appear as the age they did before becoming what they were now. For example, a Vampire player character chooses which age category they were before being turned: Young, Adult, or Old. They gain all of the bonuses and penalties of the age category, but can never leave the age category unless done so through external magical means.

Deep One Hybrids age as humans until they reach 60 years old in which they become immortal afterwards.