Half Nue

The half-breeds of a Human and Nue, they aren't as powerful magically as their forefathers, but they some similar traits from their Nue brethren.

Physical Description: Though the Half Nue have similar metal protrusions and tattoos adorning their body, they aren't as pronounced as their full-blooded Nue brethren. Half Nue tend to be much shorter, and have brighter colored hair and eyes (while Nue have no limit on what their hair or eye colors are).

Most Common Alignment: Half Nue tend to be some degree of Neutrality, taking after their full-blooded Nue brethren.

Most Common Class: The Half Nue tend to adopt classes such as the Mage or even the Jedi (becoming Jen'saraii or Gray Jedi).

Most Common Deity: Half Nue worship trickster gods above all other deities.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Constitution and Charisma

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Fueled by Fear: When an enemy within 12 squares of you is afflicted with cowering, frightened, panicked, or shaken the Half Nue regains 1d8 + the Half Nue's Charisma in HP. This takes effect when they are first afflicted with it, and again if the affliction is re-applied and resets the duration.

Unnatural Mind: Half Nue receive a +6 bonus to Will Defense against mind affecting spells and fear effects (like intimidation).

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Neu