
The original denizens of the Dark Worlds before Fetchling/Shadowers came about, they wear masks to cover their dark and featureless faces and they tend to wear black robes.

Physical Description: The Unyura have dark skin and a lack of facial complexions much like the Faceless. They wear white masks to contrast their dark skin and strange black fog that trails from their body. They tend to wear black robes to hide the black mist escaping their skin.

Most Common Alignment: Unyura are, for the most part, Neutral beings who try not to meddle in the affairs of the divine.

Most Common Class: The Unyura are commonly Mages or Priests.

Most Common Deity: The Dark Folk worship the dark, nothing more and nothing less.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Constitution and Charisma

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Dark Soul: The Unyura have immunity to Unholy damage. Because of this, Holy damage harms them and Unholy damage heals them, like an undead.

Dark Heart: Unyura use the power of the darkness to aid them. They deal an additional +1d6 Unholy damage on physical attacks.

Darkvision: 24 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Shadow Tongue