
Description: This skill is used for various situations: crafting, professions, and performing. Sometimes each of these uses intersects with each other. The DC list will be used to show DCs for crafting since Profession and Perform-based checks determine how high the quality is based on how high the result is.

Profession-based checks determine how much gold is made when a craft check is made. Take the result of the craft check and multiply it by 10. This can be done once a day, and counts as a day's worth of work (taking up at least 4 hours of time). This can serve as a side-job while the players aren't actively engaging in adventuring or heists. If you wish to reduce the time, reduce the gold by 20 for every hour reduced (to a minimum of 1 gold).

Profession-based checks determine how well you play an instrument, dance, sing, act, or other various acts.

This skill uses Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (the choice is up to the character).