Fungal Warrior

Warriors made of fungi and various mushrooms lumber forth, letting out hallucinogenic gases that cause their foes to fall asleep.

Fungus Warrior

Intensity: 0.2 (Standard Human)

True Neutral; Medium; Plant (Fungus)


Fortitude Defense: 16 ; Reflex Defense: 12 ; Will Defense: 11

HP: 52 (40 + 4 (Con) + 1d8 + 4) ; Damage Threshold: 16

DR: DR 5/Slashing ; Misc: Weakness to fire.


Speed 6 sq., 6 sq. (Climb)

Melee Battleaxe +4 (1d8+3 or +6 if Two-Handing)

Space 1 sq. ; Reach 1 sq.


STR 2 (3), Dex 2, Con 2, Int -1, Wis 1, Cha 0

Attack Bonus +1 ; Casting Stat: None

Feats Weapon Proficiency (Axes), Combat Reflexes

Skills Acrobatics (Agility) +5, Knowledge (Wilderness) +4

Language Sylvan

Special Sleep Spores, Fungal Growth

Sleep Spores (Ex)

Enemies adjacent to the Fungal Warrior have an attack made against their Fortitude Defense (attack equal to +2) and on a success, the target falls asleep for 2 rounds. This is a swift action. Creatures immune to poison.

Fungal Growth (Ex)

When in an area of a forest, marsh, or swamp the Fungal Warrior can cut off one of its own arms (taking 20 damage) and in 1d4 hours the arm grows into a small sized Fungus Warrior. They regrow their own arm after this period.

Miscellaneous Information

Environment forests, marshes, and swamps

Organization solitary, group (2-4), army (4d4+5)

Universe any

Treasure Fungal Cap

Fungal Cap: The head of a Fungus Warrior lets off one last sleep spore after death upon being squeezed, applying pressure, or upon impact. This can be used as a thrown weapon like a grenade, and upon hitting the ground it lets off the sleep spores (as per the ability) in all adjacent squares).