
Strong, brutish, and nature’s guardians the Orcs seek to keep foreigners away from the desert and detest city folk. While this is not the case for some Orcs, this fits for most of them as they are seen protecting sand temples and churches.

Physical Description: Orcs commonly have green or even gray skin, taller than average humans, and sporting tusks. Their eyes often glow and their hair is usually darker colors unless dyed.

Most Common Alignment: Order isn't an Orc's strength, and they prefer a society based on strength more-so than they prefer a society based on tradition.

Most Common Class: Orcs have a love for combat and war, using their inherent strength to plow through enemies. Orc Soldiers are incredibly common, while Orc Mages are incredibly rare (though not unheard of).

Most Common Deity: If the species worships a deity, which deity.

Species Abilities

Stats: +2 to Strength

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Orc Toughness: Add an Orc's Strength and Constitution together before doubling for HP.

Mighty Grip: Wield two-handed weapons in one-hand, take a -2 penalty to hit.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Orcish