
Hunched over creatures with long arms and equally long claws used for flaying, this hungry fiend stares with glowing yellow eyes with intense hate.


Intensity: 0.5 (Standard Human)

Unholy Disorder; Medium; Undead


Fortitude Defense: 15 ; Reflex Defense: 14 (+2 Natural Armor) ; Will Defense: 12

HP: 42 (40 + 2 (Inte) ) ; Damage Threshold: 15


Speed 6 sq.

Melee Bite +3 (1d6+2 plus ghoul fever and paralysis), 2 Claws +3 (1d6+2 plus paralysis)

Space 1 sq. ; Reach 1 sq.


STR 1, Dex 2, Inte 1, Int 1, Wis 2, Cha 2

Attack Bonus +1 ; Casting Stat: None

Feats Weapon Proficiency (Simple), Armor Proficiency (Light), Weapon Finesse

Skills Acrobatics +4, Awareness +8, Stealth +8; Racial Modifiers +3 Awareness and Stealth

Language English, Necril

Special Ghoul Fever, Ghoul's Paralysis

Ghoul Fever (Su)

The ghoul's supernatural disease that is transmitted through their bites, Ghoul Fever causes its victims to shiver and become languid over the time of being infected until they rise as a ghoul themselves. The attack is made at the same bonus as their bite, and on a successful hit against the opponent's Fortitude Defense, they take 1d3 points of Constitution and Dexterity damage. Creatures without a Constitution score (such as Constructs and Undead) are unaffected. The disease continues to ravage their body for 1 day, and for every hour of the day they have an attack made against their Fortitude Defense again (each attack increases the bonus by +1) and each success deals more Con/Dex damage. The disease is cured with two consecutive failures to hit their Fortitude Defense. If this brings them down to -10 Con or Dex, they die and raise as a Ghoul the next day.

Ghoul's Paralysis (Su)

Upon being hit by any of the ghoul's natural attacks, another attack is made against their Will Defense. On a successful hit they are paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds. Regardless of if they hit or miss, the same creature cannot be affected by this ability for 24 hours thereafter.

Miscellaneous Information

Environment any

Organization solitary, gang (1d4+2), or pack (3d4+4)

Universe any

Treasure none