Skill Scenes

In some scenes a GM may wish to run a scene of multiple skill checks (some opposed, and some at set DCs) in order to achieve different goals. These are different than standard skill tests as these Skill Scenes pass over a selected stretch of time (lasting a few rounds to a couple hours). In these scenes both the GM and the players are encouraged to take narrative control of the scene until the skill check comes up, and then alter the scene accordingly to the skill check. Sometimes failure can mean the end of the Skill Scene, though other times it is one blunder in a long line of different actions that may or may not be affected.

Skill Scene DCs

These DCs presented above can be raised and lowered as appropriate, however this is meant to serve as a guide for how tough to make the Skill Scene.

Skill Scenes are structured as such:

Scene Name

Scene Complexity: Total the number of skill checks needed to get this

Skill Needed: Example skill description for how it's being used in this scenario.

Skill Needed 2: An alternative to the first check that may yield different results.

Scene Notes: Notes about a scene that may affect performance. This includes a time limit, environmental hazards that may impede the characters, and so on. There can be multiple effects.

Success Results: The results if the characters in the scene succeed.

Failure Results: The results if the characters in the scene fail.