
Name/Title: Kayan "Our Lady of Plunder"

Alignment: True Neutral

Portfolio: Thieves, Spies, and Gold

Holy Symbol: A spilled over bag of coin

Favored Animal: Cat

Favored Color: Dark Brown

Favored Weapon: Rapier

Emissaries: Coming as either a golden cat with twin tails or a young swashbuckling woman, her followers who are thieves, knaves, or spies often take her advice as it is sound. They also are often entranced by her beauty, either as a rare animal or as a rowdy party animal respectively.

Personality: Kayan is a 'free spirit' as she likes to call herself, she is incredibly inclined towards parties and just having fun in general. Her goal in life was to experience all of the joys of being human, and after ascending to deification she now seeks to not only experience more as a god but help others reach their own joy.

Code of Conduct: Priests of Kayan must never tell a lie, and aren't allowed to steal from other Kayan worshipers. Other deity's worshipers are free game, so long as the theft isn't on a holy sight or temple of that deity.

Uniform: Priests of Kayan must have a way to conceal themselves as Priests of Kayan.

(A common representation of Kayan in art)

(Image source unknown)