
The Defel come from a planet where the atmosphere absorbed all of the light except that of the ultraviolet spectrum, and along with the animals on the planet the Defel evolved to only see in the ultraviolet spectrum.

Physical Description: Defel appear as short canine-like humanoids. Their arms and legs end up being relatively long compared to their frames, and the fur the Defel are covered in fur that renders them nearly invisble in normal light, appearing little more than a patch of shadow.

Most Common Alignment: Though loyal to friends, family, and their employers, Defels like to work in secrecy and they like their independence and freedom.

Most Common Class: Defel prefer Rogues, Technomancers, or other similar classes. Defel Jedi are almost unheard of.

Most Common Deity: Defel tend not to be religious, yet deities of freedom, stealth, and espionage appeal to those who venture into the realm of religion.

Species Abilities

Stats: +2 to Intelligence

Size: Small

Speed: 6 squares

Ultraviolet Bending: A Defel in areas of darkness are counted as having total concealment. Against opponents with Darkvision or other Defel they only possess concealment.

Ultraviolet Vision: To see in normal light, Defel require special ultraviolet sensors as without such visor they'd be considered blind. The sensors grant a small bonus however, granting a +2 bonus to Awareness and 6 square Darkvision when worn. Defel characters start with a visor free, and replacing one costs 2,500 G.

Languages: Native Language and Defel

(Image from Star Wars)