Blue Jelly

Seeking cold environments, these jellies are often found in freezers and refrigerators .

Blue Jelly

Intensity: 0.2 (Standard Human)

True Neutral; Small; Ooze (Jelly)


Fortitude Defense: 17 ; Reflex Defense: 5 ; Will Defense: 4

HP: 46 (40 + 6 (Con) ) ; Damage Threshold: 17

DR: DR 5/Slashing or Bludgeoning ; Misc: Cold Resistance 10


Speed 3 sq.

Melee Slam +5 (1d4+3 plus Chill Touch)

Space 1 sq. ; Reach 1 sq.


STR 3, Dex -6, Con 3, Int -, Wis -6, Cha -6

Attack Bonus +1 ; Casting Stat: None

Feats None

Skills None

Language None

Special Chill Touch, Cold Shift

Chill Touch (Ex)

The Blue Jelly can once per encounter knock a person down the condition track by 2 steps without needing to deal damage to them (however successfully hitting them is still required). This doesn't affect people immune to cold damage.

Cold Shift (Ex)

While in any environment that is cold (below 40 degrees F) the Blue Jelly can instead move at a speed of 12 squares instead of just 3 squares. In addition to this, they can take two "Step" actions while in a cold environment.

Miscellaneous Information

Environment any cold environment (often found in freezers in urban locations)

Organization solitary or pair

Universe any

Treasure none