Magic Armor

Armor can be enchanted with magic to increase their potency, and give them special effects which are beneficial to their wearer. This is represented in many ways; some armor receive a flat bonus to reflex defense and fortitude defense, others receive special abilities. Despite the effectiveness of industry in some technologically advanced worlds, even they have trouble meeting some demand for magical armor. Because of this, they tend to be a prized possession. Not necessarily rare, but highly personalized and sought after.

The first type of benefit a character can get from a magical armor set is a bonus to Reflex Defense. This is the most common type of magic armor due to its simplicity in crafting. Characters with magical sets of armor gain 1/2 the magic armor bonus to Fortitude Defense (minimum 1).

Special Armor Powers

Armor can have any amount of armor powers, so long as you can afford them. Armor doesn't need the "Magic Armor Bonuses" seen above in order to gain Special Armor Powers, however for each Magic Armor Bonus you possess you can gain a free Special Armor Power so long as the amount of Powers is equal to half the total Magic Armor Bonus price. You cannot gain multiple if they all equal half the price, however you can gain multiple for each step the bonus increases.

Powers that only affect shields will have (Shield) listed next to their title.

Magically Lightened

Power Cost: 1,000 G

Power Effect: By magically lightening the materials used, the armor becomes easier to maneuver in. Increase the armor's Maximum Dexterity by 1. For upgrading this enchantment, an additional 1,500 G can be spent to increase the Maximum Dexterity of the armor by another 1. This has a maximum of up to a +4 for Medium Armor, and up to +2 for Heavy Armor. Light Armor has no limit.


Power Cost: 1,200 G

Power Effect: Once per day this armor can mirror some spells back at the caster. This spell must go against your Reflex Defense, and can't be a melee attack. The mirrored spell instead resolves its attack against the caster of the spell, and deals damage as normal while you remain unharmed. If two characters are wearing Mirroring armor and mirror a spell back at each other, for each mirror after the first the spell's damage is cut in half and it takes a -5 penalty to its attack.

Life Support

Power Cost: 2,000 G

Power Effect: Through magical means the armor is made to protect its wearer from ailments. Life Support grants you a +2 bonus to your Fortitude Defense while worn. For upgrading this enchantment, an additional 2,000 G can be spent to increase this bonus up to a +12 bonus to Fortitude Defense total.


Power Cost: 2,000 G

Power Effect: Through magical means the armor is made to guard its wearer from mental attacks. Warding grants you a +2 bonus to your Will Defense while worn. For upgrading this enchantment, an additional 2,000 G can be spent to increase this bonus up to a +12 bonus to Will Defense.


Power Cost: 3,000 G

Power Effect: You have a 25% chance to negate critical hits. For upgrading this enchantment, an additional 6,000 G can be spend to increase the chance to 50% and +5% per point in Constitution (maximum of a 95% chance of negating critical hits). This also applies against sneak attack, and other attacks that deal "precision damage", but only at half the chance (maximum 47% chance).

Energy Blocking

Power Cost: 4,000 G

Power Effect: Gain an amount of energy resistance to a single arcane element (except Sonic or Arcana) equal to the Armor Bonus of your armor.


Power Cost: 7,000 G

Power Effect: Walls do not hinder you in your movement, however you cannot end your turn within a wall (doing so deals 5d6 points of damage and shunts you out on the side you tried to enter from).

Wild Child

Power Cost: 8,000 G

Power Effect: You can apply your Armor or Shield bonus to your Natural Armor instead when you transform through any effect that transforms you into an animal or similar creature that can't wear human armor.

Spell Runes

Power Cost: 12,000 G

Power Effect: While worn, this armor grants its user a +2 bonus to their Magic Pool, and a +2 bonus to all Defenses against spells.

Incorporeal Shunt

Power Cost: 15,000 G

Power Effect: Any creature which is incorporeal which attempts to attack you has an attack (your Attack Bonus plus the Armor's Enhancement Bonus) against their Will Defense. On a successful hit, they are instead pushed back 4 squares and take 1d8+Armor's Enhancement Bonus damage.

Incorporeal Form

Power Cost: 15,000 G

Power Effect: For a number of rounds equal to your Armor's Enhancement Bonus you are counted as incorporeal (you are harmed by magical attacks, and though you can't harm physical beings without magic you can harm incorporeal creatures). This can be done once per encounter.

Immense Bulk

Power Cost: 18,000 G

Power Effect: You are immune to abilities such as being swallowed by enemies who aren't more than two size categories larger than you, and you are also immune to being grappled by enemies who aren't more than two size categories larger than you.

Commander's Crest

Power Cost: 20,000 G

Power Effect: You and all allies within 6 squares receive a +4 morale bonus to their Defenses for a number of rounds equal to double your Armor's Enhancement Bonus, and any morale bonus they receive (aside from this one) is doubled. This can be done once per encounter.


Power Cost: 35,000 G

Power Effect: The armor chosen is bound to you and only you, and can only be worn by you (people wearing your bound armor instead translate the Armor Bonus into a penalty) and don't receive the other bonuses from the armor (only the penalties). In addition to this, the armor is made to be indestructible.

True Defense

Power Cost: 40,000 G

Power Effect: Choose a damage type: bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. You are immune to that damage type while wearing this armor. Once chosen this cannot be changed later. In addition to this, you only take half damage from effects which deal untyped damage.