
A floating eye hovers in place, the various eye stalks hanging from its back as it casts dark magic by merely blinking.


Intensity: 1.0 (Powerful Human)

Unholy Neutrality; Medium; Aberration


Fortitude Defense: 15 (+2 Natural Hardiness) ; Reflex Defense: 14 (+2 Natural Armor) ; Will Defense: 19 (+2 Mental Resistance)

HP: 66 (40 + 6 (Con) 2d8 + 12) ; Damage Threshold: 19

SR: 18 ; Misc: Immune to psychokinetic


Speed 6 sq. (Fly)

Melee 4 Tentacles +3 (1d4-1)

Space 1 sq. ; Reach 1 sq. (2 sq. with tentacles)


STR -1, Dex 2, Con 3, Int 2, Wis 3, Cha 2

Attack Bonus +4 ; Casting Stat: Wisdom ; MP: 16

Feats Spellcasting (Arcane and Psychic), Bite the Bullet, Second Wind

Skills Acrobatics (Agility) +8, Knowledge (Dark Magic) +10, Knowledge (Astronomy) +10; Racial Modifiers +5 Knowledge (Dark Magic)

Language Aklo (speaks through Telepathy with a range of 24 squares)

Special Giant Eye, All Seeing

Giant Eye (Ex)

Due to the mogall being a single floating eye, it is immune to flanking.

All Seeing (Su)

The mogall is able to pierce through various illusions and trickery. It can see through invisibility, illusions, and isn't susceptible to influence-based spells (such as Mind Trick).


Arcane Sonic Burst (Mk. III), Corrupted Ray (Mk. III)

Psychic Mind Reading, Overload Mind (Mk. II)

Miscellaneous Information

Environment any

Organization solitary, pair, or spook (3d4+2)

Universe any

Treasure Horrifying Stalks (1d4)

Horrifying Stalk: The stalks that came from the back of the mogall, these tendrils function as a Medium-sized Whip that allows its wielder to speak telepathically to allies within 6 squares while wielded.