
Either through altering the host’s body or by making an entirely new one. Sometimes Androids possess a single soul that keeps them from being entirely machinery. Some androids have bio-mechanical bodies, while others are all steel.

Physical Description: Androids have a varied appearance due to the fact that Androids are built. Some look like Humans, others like Elves, and some look completely alien to any known humanoid species. This is entirely based upon the creator's cosmetic wishes for their Android...though sometimes, Androids make their own cosmetic changes.

Most Common Alignment: Due to Androids typically being programmed by a creator, their alignment and thoughts are completely up to the creation of the master, however this doesn't mean some haven't gone back against this.

Most Common Class: Androids who lack souls find no real interest in traditional magic, focusing more on bettering themselves and thus commonly become Soldiers or Rogues.

Most Common Deity: Unless programmed to serve a deity, Androids are by default atheists.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Dexterity and Intelligence

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Artificial: Androids vary depending on their method of creation. If an Android is constructed with no soul, they receive a +4 bonus to Will Defense against {Mind Affecting} spells. If an Android is constructed with a soul, they receive a +2 bonus to Will Defense. Androids can take Cybernetic Prosthesis without penalty, however the Organic Prosthesis applies the penalty instead.

Altering Nanites: Androids can grant themselves a bonus on a single d20 roll equal to their intelligence modifier as a swift action, and this can be done once per encounter.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Binary

(Image is from Eclipse Phase)