

Monks use spiritual power invested within them to deal with all manners of threats to the peace, whether it be their personal peace or the peace of all.

HP & Defenses

Monks possess a d8 Hit Die, and they start the game with 40 Hit Points (plus double Constitution and other modifiers). By spending 3 XP the Monk can gain a Hit Die, increasing their Hit Points accordingly.

They also receive a +1 bonus to Fortitude Defense, Reflex Defense, and Will Defense.

Stat Bonuses

Monks receive a +1 bonus to one of the following attributes; Strength, Dexterity, or Wisdom.

Increasing these attributes outside of character creation is done at a discount (10 XP per increase instead of 20 XP)

Attack Bonus

Monks receive a +1 Attack Bonus.

By spending 5 XP the Monk can increase their Attack Bonus by +1, to a maximum of +10.

Skill Points

Monks receive 1 rank in the following skills at character creation;

  • Acrobatics

  • Awareness

  • Heal

  • Knowledge (History and Religion)

  • Persuasion

Martial Artist

Monks can take the Martial Art feat one more time than normal, gaining 2d12 base unarmed damage, and increasing their Dodge bonus to AC by an additional +1. These unarmed strikes bypass DR/Magic, and finally can make an additional attack on a full-round action but take a -2 to all attack rolls.

Enlightened Form

Monks receive a miscellaneous bonus to all of their Defenses equal to 1 + their Wisdom, receive a Spell Resistance equal to 10 + Hit Dice + Wisdom, and also receive a +6 sq. bonus to all modes of speed they possess.

If the Monk would wear armor, they lose these benefits. If the Monk's body is made of armor or they're somehow bound in the armor (as per a curse) they can choose to forgo the armor's benefits to gain their Monk bonuses.