Flesh Party

Vines of webbed sinew, skin, and organs wash over a room while rigid bones poke out from the thin surface. The souls trapped are supposedly still conscious, screaming out in agony.

Flesh Party

Intensity: 2.5 (Supernatural Being)

True Neutral; Colossal*; Aberration


Fortitude Defense: 25 (+5 Natural Hardiness) ; Reflex Defense: 3 ; Will Defense: 8

HP: 156 (40 + 20 (Con) + 4d8 + 80) ; Damage Threshold: 75 (25 + 50 (Size) )

Misc: Regeneration 5, Weakness to bleed


Speed 0 sq.

Melee Bone Spur +7 (1d8+3 plus Brancusi Nano-Plague)

Ranged Acid Spit +7 (5d6), 6 square cone

Space 8x8 sq. ; Reach 6 sq.


STR 3, Dex 3, Con 10, Int -6, Wis -6, Cha 8

Attack Bonus +4 ; Casting Stat: None

Feats Second Wind, Strengthened Recovery

Skills Persuasion +12

Language None

Special Brancusi Nano-Plague, Massive Deliverance

Brancusi Nano-Plague (Ex)

A separate attack is made against a creature's Fortitude Defense. This attack is at a +7, and for every attack beyond the first this increases by 2. On a successful hit against the target's Fortitude Defense, they are afflicted with Brancusi. For the first ten minutes the subject's body begins to act of its own accord, moving erratically or even stopping in place. This functions as insanity except they don't attack their allies, and merely move in a way that is unintended. Attacks are continuously made one per minute after the first 10 minutes with the bonus to the attack increasing by 2 each time (up to a +30) until the attack bypasses the target's Fortitude Defense by 5 or more. Upon bypassing their Fortitude Defense by 5 or more past the first 10 minutes, their body completely succumbs to the Brancusi virus: they freeze in an unnatural position, their skin and muscle shedding, and face twisted in horror. By this point the afflicted character is too late to be saved, and after 5 minutes of this they become a Flesh Party (or merge with an existing one). This is a disease effect.

Massive Deliverance (Ex)

A Flesh Party doesn't suffer penalties from size to their attacks.

Miscellaneous Information

Environment some shit

Organization solitary (covers an entire room)

Universe any

Treasure none

A note on size: a Flesh Party is assumed to cover an entire room. It is unable to move and the walls, ceiling, and floor are considered to be the Flesh Party's squares for the sake of determining attacks made against it. Even in rooms smaller than colossal sized, a Flesh Party is considered to be Colossal.