Taint Bound

You conjure a dark being, and command them to take over the mind of a target of your choosing.

Spell Type: Summoning {Absorbed}

EXP Cost: 8

Casting Time: Standard

Target: Target within 6 squares

Goes Against: Will Defense

Description: Choose a target within 6 squares of you and make an attack against their Will Defense. On a successful hit the dark entity takes over their mind and controls their action for 1d4+1 rounds. While in control it will force the creature to attack any allies within their line of sight and try to kill them to the best of their ability. If there are no allies within their line of sight, they instead turn their blade to themselves and attack themselves dealing 5d6 + their Strength or Dexterity (whichever is higher) + your casting stat. If this spell kills them, their soul is absorbed by the dark entity and they revive within the next 1d4-1 rounds as they permanently possess the original target. They aren't under your control however, and may attack (at the GM's discretion).