Master of Disguise

You're able to transform yourself into a disguised form quickly, and without the need of the materials to do so.

EXP Cost: 5 EXP

Benefit(s): When making Disguise checks, you don't need the disguise kit and take no penalty when not using one. Using a Disguise Kit grants a +5 bonus on Deception (Disguise) checks still. In addition to this, the time it takes to disguise is cut in half (at most simple disguises take 30 minutes, and complex disguises take 2 hours).

A hasty disguise can be put on using makeshift materials your disposal. By reducing the time needed to disguise to a move action, you take a -5 penalty to your Deception (Disguise) check. Using a Disguise Kit with a hasty disguise offsets this penalty.