
Spirits of warriors from the past, Einherjar are combatants who have returned from the dead to return to battle once more. They are usually Nordic Humans, however other types of Einherjar exist.

Physical Description: Einherjar appear as they did when they died, and would pass for being completely human if they weren't constantly surrounded by a spectral blue glow and blue-gray electricity that sparks over them. The electricity isn't harmful, and only appears when they enter combat.

Most Common Alignment: Einherjar may love battle, yet they are very heavily driven by honor, and thus they could fit into any Orderly alignment.

Most Common Class: Einherjar Soldiers are of course the most common type, with some devoting their lives to becoming mages to crush their enemies through the use of magic.

Most Common Deity: The Einherjar typically worship Nordic deities such as Tyr or Thor.

Species Abilities

Stats: +1 to Strength and Constitution

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Martial Artist: Einherjar receive Martial Arts I as a bonus feat. If their class already receives this, it is upgraded to Martial Arts II, and so on.

Signature Weapon: Einherjar receive Weapon Proficiency as a bonus feat. If their class already grants them proficiency with their weapon, they gain Weapon Focus in a single weapon of their choice.

Darkvision: 6 Squares

Languages: Native Language and Old Norse