
Tall humanoids infected by a mold-like virus, they lumber forwards with their toothy maw snapping open and close.


Intensity: 1.6 (Powerful Human)

Disorderly Neutral; Medium; Aberration


Fortitude Defense: 20 ; Reflex Defense: 22 (+6 Natural Armor); Will Defense: 14

HP: 201 (40 + 12 (Con) + 5 + 8d8 + 96 + 16) ; Damage Threshold: 22

DR: DR 5/Steel ; Misc: Immune to psychokinetic and Resistance 10 to corruption.


Speed 4 sq.

Melee Bite +9 (1d6+6 and infection), 2 Claws +4 (1d8+6 and grabbing tendrils)

Space 1 sq. ; Reach 1 sq. (2 sq. with claws)


STR 6, Dex 2, Con 6, Int -6, Wis 0, Cha 0

Attack Bonus +3 ; Grapple: +7 (made on a grab check)

Feats Grit Teeth, Power Strike, Toughness

Skills Acrobatics (Strength) +7, Awareness +6, Endurance +7, Persuasion (Intimidate) +6, Stealth +3; Racial Modifiers +5 Awareness, +5 Persuasion (Intimidate)

Special Infection, Infected Defenses, Grabbing Tendrils

Infection (Ex)

Creatures hit with the Molded's bite attack have an attack made against their Fortitude Defense (using the bite's modifier). On two consecutive hits against their Fortitude Defense, they take 20 points of damage. If this damage would kill them, they gain the Molded template.

Infected Defenses (Ex)

Molded are physically capable creatures, and receive a +4 bonus to Fortitude Defense and Reflex Defense.

Grabbing Tendrils (Ex)

If the Molded successfully hits you with their claw attack, they can make a grapple maneuver in order to pull its target 1 square closer. If this would bring them within the reach of their bite they can make a free bite attempt on them.

Miscellaneous Information

Environment areas infected by Mold

Organization solitary

Universe Alpha, 2-Beta, Dark Gamma, Mu-4, Psi

Treasure none