
Name/Title: Lucifer, the Morning Star

Alignment: Unholy Order

Portfolio: Defiance, Sin, and Law

Holy Symbol: Upside-down and blood red pentagram

Favored Animal: Snake

Favored Color: Red

Favored Weapon: Trident

Emissaries: Due to being known as the snake who tempted the first humans on Earth, Lucifer comes to people as a speaking serpent to this day - said snake having tan scales and piercing yellow eyes. When he wishes to indulge in sin rather than influence others to it, he will appear in a multitude of different humanoid and non-humanoid forms.

Personality: Defiant, charismatic, and poisonous - Lucifer is seen as the main antagonist to Adonai. Prone to lying, Lucifer is a very untrustworthy adversary due to the fact that he treats everyone as a lesser, being incredibly prideful to a fault.

Code of Conduct: Priests of Lucifer receive 2 ranks in Deception and no ranks in Persuasion, and must try to deceive someone one a week if able. It is also required that they try to corrupt anything good when possible, or make a good person succumb to sin.

Uniform: Priest of Lucifer must wear black cloaks, possess a trident stained with the blood of their enemies, or have some sort of demonic scripture inscribed on their skin.

A Demonkin embracing his Lucifarian ways.

(Image by Magic: The Gathering)