
A dragon riddled with muscles and scars crawls forth, its never ending hunger sending it into a primal rage as it searches to feast on everything in sight, including its own kind.


Intensity: 3.0 (Standard Dragon)

Disorderly Neutral; Huge; Dragon (Drakken)


Fortitude Defense: 27 (+2 Rank) (+5 Natural Hardiness) ; Reflex Defense: 21 (+2 Rank) (+8 Natural Armor) ; Will Defense: 7

HP: 221 (80 + 16 (Con) + 5d12 + 80 + 15) ; Damage Threshold: 37 (27 + 10 (Size) )

DR: DR 15/Magic ; Misc: Immune to psychokinetic, poison, disease, and moving down the condition track due to damage.


Speed 12 sq.

Melee Bite +12 (2d6+8 plus Unending Hunger), 2 Claws +7 (1d8+8), 2 Wings +7 (1d8+4), Tail Slap +12 (2d6+8)

Space 3x3 sq. ; Reach 3 sq.


STR 8, Dex 1, Con 8, Int -2, Wis -5, Cha 5

Attack Bonus +6 ; Casting Stat: None

Feats Rapid Strike, Toughness, Second Wind, Elbow Shove

Skills Acrobatics (Strength) +12

Language Draconic

Special Unending Hunger, Debris Breath

Unending Hunger (Ex)

On a successful hit with their bite attack, the Drakken recovers a number of HP equal to the damage dealt (after factoring in DR). In addition to this, creatures struck by the bite have a grapple check made against their Reflex Defense at a +16 and on a success they are swallowed by the Drakken instead of being grappled. While inside of the Drakken's stomach, the creature takes 5d6 points of acid damage and 5d6 points of bludgeoning damage per round automatically. To escape the Drakken's stomach, the character must successfully crawl out of their stomach (a DC 26 Acrobatics check) or cut their way out of the stomach with a light or one-handed slashing weapon. The Reflex Defense of the Drakken's stomach is 5, and it has 50 HP (damage dealt to the stomach is congruent with their regular HP, and is considered a called shot with no penalty or additional effects).

Debris Breath (Ex)

By swallowing a load of debris from the ground below and spitting it out and combining it with their own stomach acid, they create a potent weapon. This breath weapon is a 6 square cone with an attack of +12 vs. Reflex Defense (half on a failed hit) and deals 5d6 bludgeoning and 5d6 acid damage (similar to if a creature was stuck inside their stomach.)

Miscellaneous Information

Environment any

Organization solitary (they eat their own kind)

Universe any

Treasure none